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Twitter Sparks With Funny Memes As Video & Pics Of Pakistani Passengers Pushing BRT Bus Go Viral


The two Asian neighbours India and Pakistan are not having good relations for a long time now, the reason being the hard stance taken by the Indian government in response to the anti-Indian activities carried out by Pakistan. The economy of Pakistan is also said to be in a disastrous state and its image all over the world is deteriorating day by day too.

Recently, a bus of Peshawar Bus Rapid Transit broke down in the middle of the road and the passengers were left with no other option than pushing it.

Take a look:

Here is a video:

The Peshawar BRT is said to be a high-quality system in which a huge amount of money was spent but it has been in news for all the wrong reasons since its inception. Many accidents have taken place by the vehicles of BRT and a number of corruption allegations have also been leveled up. What made the matter worse is the fact that at least 5 buses have broken down till now since the project has been launched in the city.

A statement was issued by the TransPeshawar’s spokesperson as per which a very small fault happened in the bus near the Adbara station and they had not only alternate buses for emergency situations but also had qualified engineers at various stations to take care of such an incident.

However, the Pakistani online users were not happy with the incident and they criticized the government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for not being able to provide good transportation system to the citizens of the city. This obviously gave enough fodder to netizens and Twitter had a field day after the videos and photos of this incident went viral.

Here are some of the selected reactions:
















Poor passengers!!!!

The post Twitter Sparks With Funny Memes As Video & Pics Of Pakistani Passengers Pushing BRT Bus Go Viral appeared first on RVCJ Media.

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