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Website Sells Desi Charpai For Over Rs 1 Lakh & We Just Can’t Keep Calm


In the older times, Indians used to sleep on desi beds which are known as khaats or charpais, though they were best for lying under the open sky yet they were kind of itchy as well. Slowly they went out of fashion and people started preferring wooden folding beds and wooden bed with boxes over these khaats but it appears that they are coming back in fashion now.

Website Sells Desi Charpai For Over Rs 1 Lakh & We Just Can’t Keep Calm RVCJ Media

Now these khaats are getting sold online as well, while most of the sites are selling them in the price range of Rs. 8K-Rs. 12K, there is one website on which such khaats of different designs are getting sold for a price of above Rs. 1 lakh.

Website Sells Desi Charpai For Over Rs 1 Lakh & We Just Can’t Keep Calm RVCJ Media

The name of that e-commerce site is Etsy; the desi bed is being sold under the title of “Traditional Indian bed very beautiful decor” and it is being sold at a price of Rs. 112,150.

Here is the image of the product:

Website Sells Desi Charpai For Over Rs 1 Lakh & We Just Can’t Keep Calm RVCJ Media

Click here to visit

This is not just one case, on this website, various khaats of different designs are getting sold for heavy prices ranging from Rs. 60K to more than Rs. 1 lakh.

Website Sells Desi Charpai For Over Rs 1 Lakh & We Just Can’t Keep Calm RVCJ Media Website Sells Desi Charpai For Over Rs 1 Lakh & We Just Can’t Keep Calm RVCJ Media

It is highly shocking that these products are getting sold for such an exorbitant price but this is not the first time as earlier also we have seen mulethi, Indian shopping bags, etc. getting sold for heavy prices.

Well, what are your thoughts in this regard? Do let us know.

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